searing pain 11 days PO normal? Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    hello, im 11 days PO and keep getting the worst searing pain in my left boob, near the bottom of my cleavage! when it comes it literally takes my breath away, and if i poke my boob in that spot a little bit i get the pain again! anybody know if this is normal or usual healing, or should i ring the nurse? i usually jus go with the flow but its so bloody painful! xx


    I have exactly the same in my right boob and I’m 9 days PO. I mentioned it to the nurse when I went for my check! She said my bra wasn’t supportive enough since the swelling had for down! My new (smaller) sports bra came yesterday and I felt better as soon as I put it on…. Try pulling your strap up a bit! If it eases the pain a bit it’s probably the support! Hope that helps chick Xx

    Izzy -1

    My nurse said that can happen when the nerves are reconnecting which is good coz it means they’re healing. Maybe check, but it might just be the feeling and nerves starting to come back. I get it every now and again and I’m 2 weeks post op. Started around 10 days post op x

    Lucy 1

    thank you girls! Becca i put on a tighter sports bra last night but woke up at 6am in pain again! and brushing my teeth this morning was agony 🙁 I’ll call the nurse and see what she says xx

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