So scared!! Started by: Christie Halsey

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    Having my BA tomorrow morning and am really panicking about it! Never had anesthetic. Worried that it’s awful. Really don’t know if I can go through with it. I’m literally cracking it. Anyone else feel like this cause I seriously thinking about calling and cancelling. Keep crying and having panic attacks. Help


    Ul be fine Hun. Don’t cancel!! Somebody on here went for her op & paniced so much she said she couldn’t go through with it & they took her deposit still!! & iv seen a post recently saying she deeply regrets it. Uv made this decision for a reason babe. I was a bag of nerves!! Was absolutely petrified that i was going 2 die or something was going to go wrong!! I even wrote my little girl a letter haha how dramatic!! My brother convinced me that something would happen tho winding me up & i took it 2 heart!! On the day i couldn’t stop shaking.. & i went down at 9, they make u feel so at ease they were talking about alcohol 2 me haha then i felt so chilled like iv never experienced sort of drunk but better then i woke up at 10 & burst into tears!!! Honestly just think of how many boobs they do in a week!! Ul be absolutely fine honestly its nothing to worry about xx


    It’s normal to worry like mad and think of cancelling, voice all your worries on the day with your surgeon, nurse, doctor or anaesthetist they’ll make sure you’re calm. They even gave me something to calm me down because my pulse was quite fast, they’re so lovely 🙂 I’m so happy I went through with it, good luck! Xx


    Aww thanks girls. I used to suffer really badly with anxiety attacks and I had a slight one this morning for the first time in about 6 months! I just really hope they don’t leave me sitting in my room for ages before I go down or else I will stew for hours. I just can’t help but think ‘am I doing the right thing?!’ And I don’t know if that’s just cause the nerves are taking over or not? xx

    Nicole 1

    It is an incredible emotional roller coaster …don’t underestimate the effect it has on you….but ultimately you will be fine…good luck x


    Mines tomorrow too! Also think I’m going to die! I also have added heart problems so it’s added to my worries!! Good luck!! Where are you having it done? I’m at preston x


    Please don’t cancel! Don’t do a me ha…I actually walked out of the hospital on the day of my op cause the nerves got to me that much and I soooo regret it!! Just do it and think positive I’m sure u will be fine xx


    Omg Jade you walked out? See I half think that’s what I’ll end up doing!! Although when I showed my 19 year old brother what I’m working with (in a sports bra) he went ‘I actually feel for you sis!!’ At which point I knew it’s necessary!! And Kate mine is at Fitzroy!! Admission is at 07.30! Shitting a brick xx


    Yep I actually got there in my room and everything an bottled it! The surgeon came to see me to try and calm me down but I had made me mind up at that point I couldn’t do it, the timing wasn’t right…as soon as I got home I regretted it and I would be 4wks post op now and probably feeling back to normal! If u really think it would make u happier just go for it…it will all be over so quick and I am sure u will be happy with your new boobs good luck Hun xx

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