I had 420cc Natrelle implants with Mr Singh 8 weeks ago…been an emotional roller coaster over the weeks…I wasn’t sure I liked them to start with, had terrible boob greed…very uncomfortable first few weeks….annoyed with sweaty sports bras….sleeping on my back as couldn’t get comfy…not being able to do normal things…hole in my incision. Sent me on proper downer…but now 8 weeks on I love them…started wearing proper bras now and wow, what a difference that makes….feels like they have been there forever..no more pain, morning boob is getting better, just depend how I lay in bed..my life is all back to normal now and I can pretty much do everything I used to do again, apart from ride my horse…good luck to everyone who has op booked..and happy healing to all who are still early days…x
Hi Hun you will have to message me when your able to ride again! I have horses and have no idea when il be able to ride after my opp! Xx
They look great. It is such an emotional rollercoaster. Now you can enjoy them.
Will do Hannah…think it’s gunna be a while yet..hopefully not too long though…..Laura isn’t it just…I am really pleased with them now, ..got some new bras from Beaux Avenue…really nice fit, def worth the money..also got a couple of Kelly Brook ones aswell …going this weekend to get new bikinis as everyone I have ordered was too small so I decided to just go to shop and try them on…def need one while we are blessed with this lush weather ATM..hope you are doing ok x
I’ve just friend requested you as I am having a similar size with Mr Singh x
Happy you love them Hun, I so can’t wait till I feel normal again with normal bras xx
Hey hope you don’t mind the add. I’m having 400cc/425cc and I also have horses. Why is it so long until you can ride?? My surgeon said about 4 weeks xx
Hi Hun…I didn’t ride for few months because I didn’t feel ready….your boobs are still settling and dropping and didn’t wanna risk falling off and hurting myself….it’s been 6 months now since I had my opp and my boobs still ache at times when I’ve ridden..my advice would be get a really good sports bra that straps them in lol coz jumping and rising trot with boobs is an experience! ….apart from the odd twinge here and there I’ve not had any problems with my boobs, the twinges I been getting is just feeling coming back as I’ve been numb underneath my boobs for months but gradually coming back now….I will say I do love my boobs now only problems I’ve really had is not being able to fit into certain clothes which is pain the the butt, but you get used to it, also my boobs ache if I don’t wear a bra at night, by bra I mean sports bra/crop top type thing…also find wearing under wired bra all day hurts on my scars so try and go bra less around the house in evenings…by the way my scars are barely noticible now, at first I thought Mr Singh had butchered me they were awful, I cried, but now they are nothing, he did great job, scars right in the crease, I will try take photo so you can see as not up dated pics for couple months..there are some pictures of scars over first four weeks you can see the change if anyone is ever worried….really is great to have boobs, my only advice to anyone is do as much research into it as you can, don’t rush into it, be sure on size and if you’re not sure keep going back till you are as it’s a lot of money to spend to be disappointed with your end result..good luck x
Hi rachelle hope you don’t mind add booked in for 450cc in dec but worried going be too big so going back yo see surgeon next week looking. Between 400cc-450cc x
i have 420cc inspiras too but i hate them are your tsx or tsf?
i have 420cc inspiras too but i hate them are your tsx or tsf? do you mind if i add?
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