eeek. BA next year with singh. now to think of sizes Started by: mrswilla1981

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  • mrswilla1981 16

    Hi ladies. So in a financially better position to finally get my ba done (I paid my deposit two yr ago and hubby lost his job so we had to cancel). Booking ir for may next year (I kmow its a long way off but im so excited.) Wanted this for at least 16 years now. I really want mr and am looking at 525 or around 600cc xhp (or thats what I was offered two years ago) can anyone add me plz if youve had singh and/or around these sizes. Im currently in a b cup so wondering what size I may end up if you dont mind sharing with me. Tia. Xxx


    Go for the biggest your offered, most people regret not going bigger x

    Laura 13

    Depends on back size as to what size u will be. If ur 36 back size its around 150cc per cup.

    mrswilla1981 16

    Thanks ladies. Sounds perfect to me 🙂 xxx

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