Oh my Lord the Pain!-1st day PO Started by: Yana

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  • Yana 51

    Well I’m awake- bonus! 4:40 can’t sleep now although have been asleep most of the Eve and night.
    Woke up with the anaethstestetists next to me (whatever you spell it like), there were 2 of them. Dr Singh showed me my old implants (couldn’t see properly as I was still dazed). I went done about 8:30, woke up 11:30 ish. 3 hours I was under!!! When I asked him why so long (I thought smth gone wrong) he laughed and said you had 2 very big surgeries in one! Good point! Not only that he did a full Tummy Tuck with quilting technique (google it seriously), but I had to be difficult and I asked for Under the muscle rather than overs like I had. This has taken more of his time as he needed to create a new pocket for them. We also discussed size because of that. He said 500 a too big for under the muscle, why do I want 500 for anyway with my petite figure? I said (again), YOU recommended it! Lol he’s comical. So I said if he think I should go smaller that’s fine, or even if he can’t go under the muscle, that’s also fine! He said to me that gives him more flexibility but one thing I need to be aware of is that the skin over the muscle where the implant was might be a bit lose for about 3 month then it will get back to normal: he meant the old pocket. I can live with that. He went to check if he has 400cc implants, then told me on the way that he does so we’re sorted.
    I tell you what ladies, the pain is great.. Feels like I’ve dragged under a bus! And some. They gave me some strong painkillers to start with, but my oxigen saturation was going too low every time I was drifting off so I couldn’t sleep for ages. Then had some toast and was almost sick… Twice. Almost. In the end they “prepared” me anti-sickness injection (I still have the plastic tube in my left hand). Don’t know what was in that drug but I went to sleep for hours! My poor husband was getting bored out of his brains, talking to me, no replies:) then I decided it’s time to “break the seal” and go to the loo. Took both the nurse and my husband and it felt like I was going to faint or be sick or both. It was extremely painful no matter that I did. Because of the TT, can’t sit up in bed, can’t engage the core muscles at all, plus can’t use the chest muscles so arms are useless also.
    Just had some paracetamol but not sure it works at all. Don’t really want to touch the stronger ones but might have to. Especially on the 2 hr trip in the car on the way home. I’m not leaving without some stronger painkillers!
    I haven’t even checked myself properly yet, too much time in pain:(
    I have managed to take some before pics, but I’ll wait to pul myself together first before I put them up..
    He definitely did repair the muscles, I feel the throbbing inside.
    And my back is now sore from not moving much… Anyway, will try get more sleep, maybe pain will go away. Yeah right!

    Miss 3

    Morning! Sorry to hear that you are in pain! I went with smaller implants 400cc overs though! Breathing was tough last night/this morning! Everytime I drifted off, I would start to panick and wake up! Yes if you want to, ask for stronger pain killers, you are entitled and you have been through 2 big operations!

    Congratulations and happy healing!! Xx

    Yana 51

    Dr Singh just came in to check on me:) called me sleeping beauty. Checked the tummy said it’s very tight and boobs, he said nice and soft. Asked if I had breakfast yet.. I said I was asleep most of the time. He told me to take it easy as I know because I done it before.. I asked him if he has done many stitches in the muscles, he said it’s one toe top to bottom repeated twice ” like a zipper” he said Lol. He said not tone worried and the muses are still there:) if will be ok, and he’s in the building if I need him. I probably will for some drugs.

    Yana 51

    Thank you:) you as well!
    I had the exact same panic when drifting off .. It passes. Very tight to breathe but luckily they got me a fan that’s been going on non stop and helps..
    I want the painkillers but at the same time it knocks me in other ways and makes me sick..
    Might need some before another trip to the loo. That in itself is a mission I really don’t look forward to

    Miss 3

    Gosh it’s so hot in my room, I have the fan too and my window open! Dr Singh is so funny, it’s nice of him to check on us as not everyone has their surgeon check on them! He said I can go home. Have you eaten? I have only had toast and coffee. I want my tuna lool!! I have been toilet, but the nurse has to press the flush button as it is very hard. I have only had paracetamol and 1 ibuprophen so far as I don’t like that sleepy/sickly feeling from painkillers


    Yana 51

    They haven’t said yet if I can go home, I suppose because I’m not moving much yet. I had some toast and tea, don’t fancy anything else anyway. Paracetamol doesn’t touch me much but as you I don’t like the effect of the others..almost passed out last time I went to the loo so not rushing yet:)
    Have a good trip home! And speedy recovery:)


    Well done ladies hope you feel better soon. Speedy recovery xx

    Yana 51

    Thank you! I managed a 2nd trip to the bathroom.. But they wo t discharge me yet as I’m so bad still.
    She said I need to keep moving and expects me to strengthen up?! No chance. The tummy incision stings, muscle hurt and when I do move I feel dizzy. I need to go home tonight, but for that I need to make more effort and walk. So I ditched the bed, walked on my own back to the chair.. In a min maybe I’ll be brave to walk to the little table and get some water..

    Yana 51

    I managed to put some before and one after pictures up.

    Leona 1

    Wow Hun I am so so jealous I wish I could have a TT as well but I just don’t think I could afford it! Lucky you. I’ve had two c sections sinking of know the pain you’re talking about, going to the loo etc! Was no fun! But felt almost normal again after 2 weeks! I hope you heal well and I can’t wait to see some after pics!! Xxx

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