rippling 2 months post op Started by: Chelsea’ lee

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    Felt yesterday kind of like waves and bumps on the inside of my boobs , rang mya nurse amd sje said itnsounds like rippling.
    luckily I have my 3 month check up in2 weeks and its not visible I can just feel it

    I wondered if anyone that had rippling , has it become more noticeable over time?
    id there qnything you can do? Will they get worse or pretty much stay how they are now?

    paniced at first but the nurse said it was common for my stats and I shouldnt worry too much?


    Hey hun im 5 weeks post op and i can feel rippling in my left in the same place u can feel it ive been able to feel it from a few weeks po.. my surgeon said before my op that all implants sit rippled and its very common to be able to feel them.. im fine with it as long as they dont become visible or badly visible.. i know it cant improve unless u put weight on.. but i dont know if it can get worse id like to know that as well xx

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