what you didn't know after! Started by: nay

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  • nay

    So the majority of girls wrote they had really bad constipation however I get the opposite, it’s the little things that I didn’t take into consideration like being able to go to the toilet and wipe! My goodness it’s hard!! Also that no matter how much I clean my armpits an hour later I stink of b.o! That’s enough to put you off food lol. Seriously though, make sure you think about these things and how you can do it or who can help you! Rant over! Xx


    Agreed the toilet and wipe defo lol difficult lol annoying I was the same no constipation at all finally had pedicure nails bk on and hair washed at the hairdressers now feel more like me

    christie -1

    I havent come across the toilet situ yet lol but I totaly agree with the armpit situation, its awful :0 im going to try covering a dry sponge in soap and cleaning my armpits then wetting the sponge/ rinse out and clean. Im also cutting abit off my strapping thats rubbing on my armpits today xx


    I plan on using baby wipes as much as possible!


    I agree with the toilet situation, but I can move around so much more today, my implants don’t feel like there under my chin and seem to have dropped slightly which is such a relief.

    My incisions are itchy as hell as well…. I hope this is a sign that they are healing.

    How you girls feeling? Xx

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