Day 4 post-op -full Tummy Tuck and re-aug 400 sub muscular Started by: Yana

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  • Yana 51

    So, I decided to write more on here as there isn’t many ladies that done this..and when I was researching there wasn’t much to go for.
    I’m day 4 today,and I think I’m a bit worse than yesterday. Probably over did it by sitting up from the sofa on my own.
    I still walk hunched over, but I expected that. What no one prepared me for was a bad back, it’s in constant agony top to button like a one huge muscle cramp. Another massive problem is swollen bruised labia. I am having to keep ice packs between my legs all say just to release the discomfort. Apparently it’s normal due to gravity and swelling in general. I’m desperate for a medical donut to sit on. That again no one prepared me for.
    I’m trying to have short walks etc but due to my back it’s very short trips. I manage to brush my teeth on my own but as I said I overdid lots of little things yesterday and today my arms are hurting too. I’m bank to drinking with a straw as can’t hold my cup.
    I can only sleep about 6 hrs a night if that, waking up stiff as hell.
    The good thing was I managed the Nr.2 on the loo ok, the tablets work.
    To be honest as brave and as fit I thought I was, it knocks you down. Knowing what I know now- I would have done one op at a time, not both together.
    The corset is digging in and worried at times that cuts off circulation more than it does good. I look forward to getting rid if strapping at least! It’s a nightmare..
    Yesterday was definitely a better day. Might need a nap today as I feel the pain more at the end of the day..
    Tomorrow is another day!

    Nicole 1

    Day 3 or 4 is often the worst with any op so hopefully you had done the worse bit and can slowly start feeling better! Sounds horrendous good luck x

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