So many questions! Not a great start. Started by: Leoni

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  • Leoni 1

    Hello ladies!
    I have wanted a BA for around 8 years!! Myself and my hubby are now in a place where we can afford to have the procedure done in the next 6-9 months.
    So I started researching and I set up a consultation with another cosmetic surgery provider. I couldn’t find the surgeons details on their website as promised so I gave them a call to check the details. I was made to be silly and was spoken to like a child an I could hear the disdain in her voice.
    I then googled the surgeon and saw so many bad stories. I felt sick with worry and nerves.
    I have asked for a consultation from Mya but have yet to hear back, most likely tomorrow?
    I have seen so many lovely stories and forum posts regarding Mya so my mind is already set on Mya providing the consultation goes well etc. 🙂
    I would love to be a D/DD, two babies and lots of breast feeding has left me at a very empty, small B.
    I am so confused about the different types of implants and the profiles etc!
    I would love to see people’s pictures. 🙂 xx

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