Menor Life Time Guarantee Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie

    Hey guys, I went for a consultation today with a Patient Coordinator. She was lovely and gave me as much information as possible however she did say that with Mentor Breast Implants they give you a lifetime guarantee however I have just read the leaflet and it states:
    ‘In the case of a confirmed rupture, up to 1,000 of financial assistance, for a period of 10 years from the date of the implantation! ‘It also says ‘ Free product replacement in the case of confirmed capsular contracture. Baker grade ||| and |V in augmentation survey for a period of 10 years from the date of its implantation! ‘That doesn’t make much sense, can someone elaborate?
    I want to have reassurance that if something was to go wrong in the future I would be covered? Please help, thanks x

    bella212 1

    i was told if something went wrong yes you are covered but also that you may need replacing after 20years for which you are not covered so remove or replace you pay x


    Why is it calle a ‘ lifetime guaretee ‘ then? So confused right now 🙁

    Louise 4

    I think it means the life of the implant, not the person. Your implant will need replacing after x amount of years. Your lifestyle determines how soon they will need replacing but you’ll know when this happens as apparently it starts to go harder (I don’t think in the sane way as capsular contracture though) xx


    It covers the lifetime of the implant if that makes sense? Implants have a lifespan of around 20 years so once that time has elapsed they will need to be replaced anyway. It’s also worth mentioning your guarentee covers the implant ONLY, sugical fees ect will still need to be covered so always best to check the policy on that. With most companies the surgical costs will be free for around 5 years, after that your implant is covered only. So if at 6 years you got capsule contracture, your implant would be free but the srgery would not, the cost of your op would be reduced by the price of your implant, around £700 usually. x


    Okay thanks a lot guys 🙂

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