Help! Boob job 1.5 weeks ago and left arm is so painful… Started by: oxfordgirl

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    Hiya girls
    I had my boob job done about a week and a half ago and today I woke up with an achey upper arm. I carried on my day like normal and did a bit of evening shopping with my mum in town. It was then that the pain just got really bad, it feels like i’ve had loads of injections in my upper arm and now I can’t lift it or do anything with it! Really quite worried, has anyone else experienced this or knows if it’s normal? I’ve spoken to the nurse and dr kazazzi and they said it seemed like no cause for concern at the moment, but i can’t help worrying!


    Have you tried taking anti inflammotories see if it settles xx


    Do you mean ibuprofen? yeah i need to go out and get some as only have paracetamol in the house. had a bit of a sleepless night last night :(


    Hey Oxfordgirl,
    Are you ok now?

    After my first op I developed a problem with my left arm and it turned out to be radial nerve damage (radial nerve palsy) check this out online if your arm is still bad, I actually lost the use of my hand for over a year where the nerves died, its ok now and I am all better. but it was soooo painful for quite a long time
    good luck



    Do you know how common is radial nerve palsy, as im in on saturday and now im really nervous that this could happen, cos im getting married im 7 months and that would be awful if i cant use my arm x x x


    Oxford girl, i think you should call your nurse cause not sure you are suppose to take iboprofen after a surgery.


    Hey Alex,
    Dont worry its not commom at all and still cant be 100% certain it was a result of the operation. It can happen after trauma, infection, surgery where nerve is pressed on accidently etc. As far as I am aware I was fit and healthy, it really is uncommon and since then I have had another breast Augmentation as I developed Capuslar Contracture and was ok so dont worry.
    You will be fine

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