Hole in incisions Started by: amber

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  • amber

    Heya sorry if this scares anyway but I’m nearly 5 weeks post op and Iv noticed I have holes in my incisions. Ones about a cm the other about an inch. I went to my walk in and they’ve started me on antibiotics just in case and dressed em. The rest of the incisions heeled but it looks like the scabs have got stuck on my bra and came away too early. Just worrying myself that they’ll never close

    Jessica 1

    If your really worried why don’t you book in to see your surgeon… What exactly did nurse say when you shown her? They must given you antibiotics if it’s open to reduce risk of infection. If you didn’t feel reassured enough by your doctor or nurse I would defo go see surgeon. You prob just got hot and your scab got stuck to your clothing like that whilst the scab was trying to heal itself. I have had this happen to me before. So try not to worry Hun but if it feels too much just call back your clinic . How many days po did u have your strapping/bandages removed??Xxx

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