Help Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 3

    Hope i can get a few answers, i have just booked to see Mr Kazzazi but im not wanting my op till Jan/Feb ideally gives me chance to save. Did anyone book that far in advance? i also got told you can get price down if you go on a cancellation, how much notice did you get if you went for a cancellation date? Thinking for my Hubby needing time of work and things like that? and do you just pay the deposit and wait for them to contact you when a date is free?
    Thanks Ladies x

    KarinaC 10

    @Danielle My op is booked for 20th December. I already went to see my surgeon and all so just need a pre-op and thats it really. About cancellations – I think you should ask your PC, perhaps putting a deposit down would be a great idea. Personally it wouldn’t work for me as I need to know in advance but some people are happy to have the op at a short notice. xx

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