Not sure if anyone will be able to relate but I’m 2 years PO never had any problem… My left boob has always been a bit harder as I’ve never regained feeling in the left side of it but 48 hours ago I had real pain/aching in it and it had got really hard and is now itching a bit! The pain isn’t as bad now but still really hard and a bit tender to touch in places and itchy.. I went to MYA today but the nurse wasn’t that helpful (when I called they said I’ll see a nurse then surgeon as I have to travel 2 hours to get to the clinic) and she said that it doesn’t feel like Capsular Contracture (thank goodness) but she isn’t sure what it could be and wants me to see a surgeon but I have to see my surgeon apparently and Dr Kazzazi isn’t available for a month as I’m really concerned… Wish I could have seen a different surgeon to just say what it is! I called my doctors and a thinks it might be hormonal as I’m on the mini pill as it is quite random with the effects etc but I just wondered if anyone has had Capsular Contraction if it felt similar? The nurse said she didn’t think it felt like it but not 100%… I’m really worried as I don’t have a spare few thousand for the op if it needs replacing 🙁
Any thoughts would be greatly be appreciated 🙁
Char xxxx