need advise on size… Started by: Amy

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  • Amy

    My opp is booked for 1st October in london with Dr singh, I went for my pre opp yesterday and Iwas really happy with what I tried on. Dr Singh said he thought 375cc understand would be a good size but now I think I want bigger, I don’t really know what to do. I’m a small size 8 and a 32a bra size. Can people please give me some advice??

    Thank you xx

    Alexandra 2

    Hey, I had 375 unders yesterday and I was 32 a before size 8/10 and I feel mine are perfect for my figure ! I wanted mine to look natural tho so think it depends on what look your after . I’m currently wear 32d sports bra and that’s very neat! X

    tara beach 2

    HI amy having mine 11th oct with dr sing first of all he said 350/375 but I wanted bigger so settled on 400cc high profile partials.maybe speak to him again if you want to go bigger and see what he suggests xx


    Thanks Tara 🙂
    Alexandra was there a chance to talk before the opp once you got to the hospital or do you recommend to try see him before the date of the opp

    Thanks girls xx

    tara beach 2

    I wanted 450 but he said he can’t go under my muscle with that size only over so now im having second thoughts what to do myself X

    Alexandra 2

    My surgeon came into the room before hand and ran through everything again and discussed sizes but I think if your wanting bigger ring and talk to your pc cause they’ll need to order them in for you incase they don’t have them. I had my consultation then never seen him again till the day of my op. X


    I was offered 375cc as I wanted to be a natural D but after researching for a few weeks I wanted to go bigger so I went back to see my surgeon and he said I could go bigger, im a 32b size 8. Just ring and book another consultation hun x


    I am 2 days post op with 400 cc UHP overs and really happy with the size, around a dd although swollen at the minute. I ordered three sizes and decided on the day. The surgeon came in to see me and discuss the size before the op so there is plenty of time to decide hun x

    christie -1

    Make sure you take into consideration rippling and stretchmarks, you might get bigger boobs but will you want to flaunt them when they change? I’d ask the surgeon for his opinion 🙂 x


    Hi Amy , I am also a little worried about the size .. I am a small size 8 , 5’2 and Dr Singh said the highest he would want to go is 400cc UHP , i wanted under the muscle but he does not think this will happen due to choosing a higher cc (400) than 350 which he wanted. Id listen to the size he suggests as he matches it with your frame xx

    alli 1

    Hi Amy, I’m 5.3 ft size 6 and have 420 xhp implants second ba…. Highly recommend lifetime implants . Pm me if you want to see picis !


    Thanks everyone. I’ve been trying to get hold of MYA but when they got back to me its too late to see Dr Singh! I’m so dissapointed that they took a week to get back in contact! They also told me I couldn’t order more than one size implant in, which is clearly rubbish isn’t it pippa x

    Alexandra 2

    You can order more than one size, I had 3 ordered as I was told he’d decide on the table what size would suit. I have 375 like I’ve said previously and when I first came out I wish I’d gone bigger but now I’m pleased I never I’d look to top heavy for my size . Sometimes bigger boobs aren’t always best ! Good look with the op x

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