1 year post op update uplift and aug Started by: mumler

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  • mumler 1

    I cant believe a year ago I had my surgery it was the best decision of my life my only regret was not doing it earlier the pain was worth it. I am just awaiting a date for my areola revision as I was unhappy about the size following my uplift; MYA were great and are doing the revision free of charge.
    I also am so grateful to everyone on this forum who supported me in the early months when I was worrying about things and reassured me all was normal and just healing; I still laugh about my panic about uncontrollable nipple erections in the first couple of months

    So thank you ladies and MYA

    Vickie 5

    Hope u don’t mind the add? I’m almost 5 weeks PO from uplift and implant. Xx


    Hiya, hope you don’t mind the add.. I’m 11 days post op.
    Glad you are so happy with your results!x


    Hi ya, hope you don’t mind the add. Who was your surgeon and what size did you have/were to begin with please ? xx

    Louise 1

    Hi hope u don’t mind the add x

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