Hard boobies, 2 weeks post op Started by: DD x

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  • DD x -1

    Hey girls,

    I was 2 weeks post op yesterday and i am really concerned as my right breast is still quite hard (squeezable but still hard) its also rounder and hasn’t dropped at all. My left breast on the other hand has been changing every day, it has taken on a more natural shape (teardrop) and is starting to drop over the incision. I had my post op nurse appointment on Saturday and she didn’t even feel my breasts, she just looked and removed my strips. On Sunday I developed a very small bruise on my right breast and it started to look slightly higher than before. The bruise has now disappeared and the breast is not so high, but I am still worried as it seems to be healing extremely slowly. I keep catching myself rolling onto my front whilst sleeping, at which point did you girls start to sleep on your front again?

    Hope fully im just worried for no reason, but im concerned about capsular contracture 🙁


    My right one is the same @dan I’m 2 weeks post op too the right has a massive bruise though. Don’t think it’s anything to worry about are you right handed? I’m putting it down to the muscle being more on that side? Xx

    DD x -1

    Thanks @Victoria. they change every day. Hopefully they will soften soon. Yes i am right handed, I’ve been trying to use my left arm more. fingers crossed.

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