Hi girls just wondering when we are able to sleep flat or in our sides? I got to sleep sitting up but always wake up flat anyway. I’m 8 days post op I had 410cc unders thanks in advance 🙂 xx
I am 7 days po and i still have to sleep up i tried sleeping flat but they are too heavy to me at this point and cant breath so im forced to stay up lol
Hey, I am two days post op and I have been sleeping flat I wasn’t told any different but when I wake up in the morning I so stiff and can’t lift myself up using my arms, so uncomfortable and in so much pain still!
Hi I was still sleeping slightly upright at 4wks. I had unders so boobies still were sore on a morning so I didn’t feel comfy lying flat or on my side, but I lye flat now & on my side x