BA Op yesterday and there is no need to worry! Started by: Hollie

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  • Hollie

    Hey girls. For any if you who are worrying about your operation. Please try not to. I had my BA yesterday with Mr Signh in London. I was admitted at 9 down in theatre by 11 and back about awake by 1:30. The staff were absolutely amazing with me. Kept checking my blood pressure etc every 30 mins as it was a little low. The pain yesterday was absolutely fine and again today I’m sore but it is totally
    Bearable. Managed to sleep like a baby last night too. Mr Signh has done an absolutely cracking job. He kept saying how nervous he was prior to the op as my boobs were pretty bad but after surgery when he saw me he walked in with a huge smile saying it couldn’t of turned out any better and he was extremely
    Surprised and for those of you who know mr Signh he is a very blunt man at times. Girls don’t be scared there’s nothing to be scared about. Hope all your ops go well and keep smiling the result is worth it xxx


    Great post hun got my op in a week on wed hope dont mind
    the add xx


    This is so nice to hear! My opp is on Monday and it really scares me reading all the horror stories haha! Glad it all went well and happy healing xxx

    tara beach 2

    I’m in fitzroy now waiting to go theatre with dr Singh my admission time was 9am what time did u leave hospital Hun xx


    Sorry I’ve only just seen this. I left around 6:30 Hun. Hope it all went well xxx


    Thanks for posting this.
    my op is on Wednesday! Mixture of emotions at the moment. Xx

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