consultation booked for sat 3rd, confused, please help.x Started by: kathendo

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    Hi guys. Um im new to this so bear with me,lol. Ive just booked my consultation for the bristol clinic, im quite nervous as on the phone the receptionist said i may need an uplift, which is something i really dont want. I am a 36e but they really dont look big at all, im a size 14 and would love them bigger to match my shape and curves. The thing is i really dont think they look drooppy, and i no il be very put off if they recomend a uplift. Any have any views or have you been told you may need an uplift but then didnt. I would love to hear your stories, exspecially from anyone who had a large chest pre op. Also has any one been to the bristol clinic and what was your surgeon


    Hi Kat – i would say that they cant say you may need an uplift until the actually examine you and see what your boobs look like now – the surgeon will know exactly what you will need xx


    Hi kat hendo i had to have an uplift&implants on 19th was gutted but no way rd it!Its fine honestly more stitches 7scaring but they wont droop with age!x


    thanks for your replies, what size were u pre op polly and what size are you now. I cant wait to have my consultation, abit nervous il be laughed at though because everyone thinks im crazy as my boobs arn’t small, but they feel small to me. Im really hopeing they say i do not neede an uplift as i think that will put me off alot, and obviously it’s probably alot more expensive.xx

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