Hello Ladies, (just to sum it up quick and not bore everyone!)
I had my first op in 2005 and developed CC in my left breast, this year on the 28th July I had them removed and placed ontop of the muscle, since 10 days after when I was told to start massaging I have noticed the right one feels firmer,rounded and sitting sligthly higher on my chest than the left one.
Has anyone ever had this more than once? and how do you deal with it? As far as I can see my only option will be to have them removed but I really really dont want to be flat chested again : (
If I did have to have them taken out would I need a uplift to get rid of excess skin from where it would of stretched over my d cup chest rather than aa I was before?
How can I get CC straight away??
thanks in advance and any advice would be appreciated.