Anyone had or having a tummy tuck??? Started by: Corinna jennings

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    Hi all.
    Booked in to see Gary traynor on the 11th November. Gonna go for February dates for full TT & lipo.
    I’ve wanted this procedure since the beginning of time (well, since I had my first baba 21 years ago). Now that it’s actually happening, I’m really scared!!! Most of my friends/family are really supportive but some have said I’m bonkers for putting myself through a procedure like this & paying several thousands of pounds for the privilege!! One of my friends said I could even die!!!! So, as you can imagine, I’m completely wondering whether I’m doing the right thing & is my droopy, flabby belly really “that bad”.
    Has anyone else had a TT & can u give me some reassurance please!!!
    Lots of love xx


    Hi Hun. No, not got my date booked yet. I went to see dr traynor a few weeks ago. Initially I wanted to get lipo followed by a TT next year. He told me I was wasting my money & should get them done together. Doing it seperately would have costed about £3k extra!! After much umming & ahhing & chatting to hubby, I decided to bite the bullet & go for it!! Have booked back in to see him on the 11th nov when I hope to get my date booked in feb!! When in feb are u having yours?? Xx


    D’oh, I meant when in December are u getting yours done?? Xx

    Yana 51

    Oh wow, some friends you have to scare you like that!!! I mean yeah, there are risks, but so is getting in a car and drive down the road.
    I had my TT and BA with Dr Singh about 3 months ago now. And I don’t regret it at all.My husband says he’s got me back and loves the new confident me. I no longer sit down and cover my stomach because it folds down.. I can wear tight fitting dresses, and my husband loves that too. I mean it will be a long recovery so be prepared..but it’s worth it. It really is! I got an extra scar from where the corset rubbed me for weeks but even that doesn’t ruin the fact that first time in YEARS I have a flat tummy:)
    So best of luck! If anything need to know ask away.. Private message is better as I get an email. I no longer come on this website every day. And I got a blog in more details (in my profile).


    Hi Corinna, I just had my BA and TT done with Mr Traynor on the 12th Nov, now 2 days post op. Everything went well and it’s nothing as scary like some of your friends had told you. I went to the hospital by myself because my husband had to look after my 2 children, get them to school etc. I stay one night in hospital, had a bit of a back reaction with anaesthetic and was sick a few times, blood pressure and oxygen level drop at night, but the nurses and doctor were doing everything they can to bring me back to normal, I was well looked after. I haven’t added any pictures yet because my boobs were bandaged, and my tummy still covered in dressing. Hopefully I can have my dressing of during my 1 week post op check and then can upload some pictures so you can see Mr Traynor’s work 😉 x x

    Yana 51

    Hi Jenny, that’s nice to know your op went well. I had the same problem with oxigen level and it kept dropping when I was falling asleep. Sickness is also normal from the GA.
    It will only get better..


    Hi Yana, how are you doing?
    The nurse gave me some anti sickness drug and I was ok after that, no more sickness.
    I’m now at home now and trying to take things easy. You were right about getting someone to look after me after op. I’m pleased that husband is helping out and I can get use to this lol

    Yana 51

    Yeah they had to give me one of those too. I can’t remember now if it was directly in the drip or not..
    You want to start walking about after about a week or less. Whatever you can..

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