Tummy Tuck and Vaser/Laser Lipo Started by: staceylouise90

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    Has anyone got any before and after pictures of these procedures? I had a baby a year ago and as expected my skin has stretched and sagged a little, so i’d like to see what results people have achieved after having these surgeries, also what kind of price do they start at? I’m a size 10 but just hate my stomach soo much 🙁 x

    Yana 51

    Hi I’ve had tummy tuck done 3 month ago… But I wouldn’t suggest IT if you are planning more children. If you’re young and only have one child they might not do it. Especially if it’s sagged “a little”…As if you do get pregnant again it will ruin it all or make it worse. Try Vaser or better yet go to the consultation and see what professionals say:) it’s pointless asking the public as everyone has different opinions. Ask the surgeon 😉

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