Compression band off? Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 1

    After being in agony with my compression band my surgeon has said I can take it off although he did want me to wear it for 1 week originally. I’ve taken it off as I was in lots of pain with it but now im scared my implants aren’t going to settle as well as they would if I was wearing The strap. Has anyone else taken it off early? X


    I didn’t even have one. Was put straight into a sports bra xx

    Danielle 1

    @rebecca1990 did you have over the muscle or under? X

    Sally B 3

    I’m always taking mine on and off and loosening it x

    Kim❤ 2

    I was put in it right after surgery i woke up with it on. I kept in on for 4 days straight on and open it 10mins everyday for a breath. But after that it started to bug me and i removed it. I would wear it when im home for couple hours and if it bothers me i removed it then put it back when im ok. I didnt sleep with it i just couldnt however i slept sat up and i am still sleeping up not sure why lol i guess habit lol if you sleep up you should be ok cos if you’re on your back then the implant will go up to your neck if you see what i mean. My boobs dropped perfectly and i am a little over 5 weeks off the nurse said i dont need it now and i can wear a bra too and resume normal activity 🙂 so dont worry too much just try have it on couple hours when you can!


    I had over the muscle xx

    Danielle 1

    I didn’t know about them until I woke up with it on! It’s made me have such a bad back it feels so nice to have it off! I might try and wear it for an hour or so when I’m not as sore. Fingers crossed my boobs settle just as well without it! Xx

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