Sneezing.. Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 1

    This is going to sound so silly but anyway… I’m 4 days post op and all day Ive needed to sneeze. All day Ive stopped myself because im so scared it’s going hurt or move my implants! I’ve managed to stop myself but I know eventually I’ll forget and sneeze! Sounds so silly but they’re already sore and don’t want anymore pain! Haha. Does anyone know what I mean?!


    I have the exact same problem!!! Never been so scared to sneeze before xx

    Danielle 1

    Thank god I’m not the only one! So many little things like this that you don’t think about! I know it will have to happen eventually but I don’t feel ready yet! Ahha cx

    Kim❤ 2

    When i was like in my first week i realised sneezing would hurt my chest so what i was doing was when i feel to sneeze i pinch my nose like block the nose i know sounds silly but that stopped me to sneeze! i am nearly 6 weeks po now and can sneeze again no problem lol

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