Sleeping it does get easier Started by: Charlene

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    Hi Ladies,
    Just wanted to say I am now 10 days post op and last night I could sleep on my side I still had pillows to prop me up and I put one beside me so my boobs were supported and I slept perfectly. So don’t worry it does get better. xx


    I am now 4 days post op and I’m still struggling to sleep and still in so much pain 🙁 xx


    Thats great to know thank you! I hate sleeping on my back xx


    Put a long sausage pillow under your knees stops you slipping down and takes the pressure off your backs works a treat girls I had 9weeks of this x


    I am a week post op and there’s no chance at me sleeping on my side yet I’m scared to can’t wait to. Back ache is ridiculous xx


    I cannot wait to be able to sleep on my side! I used to sleep on my tummy before the op….which I know is out of the question. Sleeping on my back is giving me the worst back ache ever. If I even try to turn onto my side it still hurts too much, however if I put a soft pillow underneath then I can cope with it for about 5/10 mins for a bit of relief. Xx


    Ohh, it’s so awkward to sleep upright. I have lots of pillows supporting my back up to my head, then put 2 pillows behind my knees to keep them bend. No pain on my incisions but back ache is killing me. Might try heat pack on my back tonight. x x

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