Interesting … implant sizes Started by: Jessica (@jessc92)

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    So ive been having trouble choosing implant sizes. I was first offered 450cc/425cc (im odd sized) but felt these were going to be too big so went back and changed it to 400cc/425cc, then I wanted the bigger size again so when I went to my pre op I asked just to have a look at the implants to see size difference. I didn’t see my pc as she went home I saw another and she advised me the size differences. Basically the 450cc is 1cm more projection than the 400 and 2-3cm more diameter which would give more of a cleavage. I have ordered both sizes for the day. So if anyone is confused about what implant size to choose have a look on the Mentor Website at the projection and diameter sizes between the implants your choosing. May help 🙂 xx

    Lucy Anna 146

    this helps loads! thanks so much xx


    @lucy yeah helped me too 🙂 when you take into consideration if your unders or partials you’ll prob lose that 1cm xx

    Amy 265

    Thanks for this as some girls have same stats as me and had same implants as I will be having but there after op measurements are from one end of the scale to the other. I am worried mine won’t be as big as I want but dr Kazzazi is very firm at not letting you go bigger than he suggests.
    2nd consultation on Tuesday before op19/12/14 so might query it with him and PC before it’s too late.


    I did it 1cc =1ml as when you weigh them out 400cc and 450cc that’s only 50ml diffrence not much in it they say around 150cc = around 1cup size but most girls just look at the numbers and see a lot of ccs and they think they are to big they say anything well over 450cc if classed as a big implant anything below is small x


    Yeah I weighted out 50ml and its like a small handful of rice x

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