Staying over, isit necessary?! Started by: Florence Hodnett

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    Hi Girlies!!

    Hope everyone is healing well/ or getting excited! I’m looking to have my BA in Feb/March but been reading on the forum loads!!! Do I need to stay over? I know its £ more expensive so isit necessary? I will be going to Fitzroy London and live about 30-40 minutes away but my mum will be driving. I thought of staying over as I’m worried if anything goes wrong. Has anyone stayed over or went home and everything was fine?

    Any help/suggestions would be appreciated!! Xx


    If you live less than an hour away then you don’t have to stay you can go the same day, some girls that live over an hour away stay in a hotel near by instead of staying at the hospital xxx


    Hey, I am booked for 22nd Jan (date moved forward!) I am staying. My main reason for this was I have a 3yr and 2yr old and know I won’t want that first night at home as I suspect even with my partners help they will want ‘normal mummy’. My PC had said the good thing about overnight is also good pain relief with nurses. So I was sold! Lol! My cousin was a day case and went home same day and absolutely fine x so I guess it’s just personal preference x

    Natalie 13

    I am in for my BA 8th January im staying at hospital due to fact I live just under 3 hours from hospital. Plus I negotiated the rate so got a rely good price and wouldn’t possibly find a hotel near by much cheaper. Again the nurses will give u morphine so the 1st night you will get a half decent nights sleep. :-)x


    If I could go back I would have stayed but have young kiddies, I slept the whole way back from having mine done 🙂 good luck x

    Kayleigh 36

    The surgeon will let u know what he thinks. with mine I’m day and with my first I was day case.


    Hi, had my op on the 19th dec I was a nightcase, so glad I stayed over as I was in quite a fair bit of pain. It meant they could give me extra morphine and pain killers as I was in their care. It would have be awful in my experience if I had been a day case.
    Hope that helps, but do remember everyone is different!


    I live 3 hrs away from the hospital and i went home the same day no problem was glad to be in my own bed.. i did leave the hospital on tramadol though i couldnt have managed without that x

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