Telling Parents !! Started by: Sophie Clare

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  • Sophie Clare 17

    Hi Girls,

    I am booking my surgery for BA this evening. My mom is very supportive and has been all the way through my decsion making however, I live with my dad and he doesnt have a clue and quite frankly I really dont want to tell him however, I cant hide my new boobies from him !!!

    My dad and my nan are quite old fashioned and wouldnt like the idea of having my boobs done, they will only have about a month to get there heads around it, i need to tell them both but how do i tell them? to come straight out with it ? Have it done and tell them after ? HELP !!!

    I am dreading it xx


    Itbwas the same wity my partners parents, but was very suprised how supportive they was after they realised i was serious. When i first told them they was not keen and made some comments xx

    Sophie Clare 17

    I know, I think my nan wont like the idea of it but if i really want it she will be fine, im worried abut telling my dad more so…. hes so old fashioned and i dont think he will be ok with it once i have told him !!!

    Just figuring out how to tell them ?? xx

    Kirsty 4

    I asked my mam if she’d disown me if I got my boobs done and she said yes!! I’m booked in for tomorrow! Was originally booked for aug and she was not happy at all but I’m 30 next year!! So I just haven’t told her ive rebooked back in!
    I’m worried about christmas day, coz all my family get together, about 25 of us and I just know she’ll blab to everyone and I can’t be done with the snidey comments!!! So I’m hoping my boobs don’t go too big and just look like I’m wearing a fab bra!!

    At the end of the day hun, it’s your money and your body! It’s hard when you don’t have anyone support or worried they’ll not agree esp when someone so close to you but I’m sure they’ll come round! Xx

    Sophie Clare 17

    Good luck for xmas day hun, big baggy jumper for the day !!
    I know, i do have a great supportive mum but because i live with my dad i need to tell him i cant hide it forever… I think my nan will be ok once she has come round and i tell her more information about it. I am dreading telling my dad, ill be stopping at moms for the first week but i dread going home !!!

    I think i might just say it out right , or drop little hints i need to tell him before xmas 🙁 xx

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