HELP – Pre Op Stuff ?? Started by: Sophie Clare

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  • Sophie Clare 17

    Hi Girls,

    I have my pre op with the nurse on 29/12, where I will get more info but now my surgery is only 5 weeks away I need to stock up on my post op stuff.

    I will get the Macom bra/sports bra and V-pillow after my pre-op with the nurse. I am going shopping tonight and need a list of things which I need to get to help me before and after my surgery!!!

    I have a few things on my list – Sleeping tablets, Arnica Cream, Laxatives, Bio Oil and Palmers Co-co butter, Antibac body wash – Is there anything else you will reccommend? Or any idea where i can get these from?

    PS; can i use bio oil, before and after my op ?

    Thank you

    Pepsy 5

    I have my op on 6 days and I wouldn’t put bio oil any where near insition and my be really tender on your breast just as yor PC babe I haven’t got a list either I’m flapping!!! What do I need also haha??? Xx

    Sophie Clare 17

    I know we can use bio oil before op, to help reduce risks of strech marks but what can we use after ?? Are we able to moisterise with cream after the op?
    I am so organised so 5 weeks and im not ready is killing me!!!
    I have a list as below, but im convinced I need more !!

    Macom, Sports bra x2, Sleeping tablets, Laxatives, Sports bottle, Squash,, Bio oil / Coco Butter, Dry Shampoo, Baby wipes, Entertainment, Snacks, Arnica Cream
    Hibiscrub body wash, Dermatix scar sheets


    Pepsy 5

    Thank you I’m going to copy your list. Take a onesie so u ain’t lifting he you arms up … My friend had to cut her top off haha
    Erm … Magazines loose clothing for after or just go home in your onesie xx

    Pepsy 5

    What’s dermatitis scar sheets x

    Sophie Clare 17

    I think the scar sheets are what you use after you have strapping off, up to 6 weeks to protect them.
    Yeah entertainment, phone charger !!!! dressing gown for me, i cant stand onsies lol, fluffy socks for after, hair bobble (no metal), open fassening clothes and PJS.

    where you having yours hun an who with ? xx

    Pepsy 5

    Okay where can I get them this is the first I’ve heard of them what do u just put them on over the scarring ?
    I’m having mine done on the 22nd ( god help me on Xmas day ) and I’m going to Preston
    My clinic is Manchester .
    What about you? I didn’t realise I needed to take all this
    I’ve only just ordered my V pillow and bra and they been shipped out today lol xx

    Layla 1

    Antibacterial body wipes. They were a god send for the first few days not being able to wash properly. take some snacks like a Mars bar and some lucozade for after your op. You’ll probably be starving and they don’t give you much to eat. I only got toast and tea about an hour after then a sandwich later on. Make sure you have clothes that zip up or button up. Theyll be the easiest to get on for the first week. Good luck xx

    Sophie Clare 17

    Thanks Layla, how you recovering ?

    I think you can get them from online ebay @Pepsy. I assume once the strapping is off, you put them on an change them everyday (consult your PC) lol! 🙂
    Oh I have Preston is lovely, good lucl hun what cc you having ?

    I am ordering my Macom and V pillwo next week xxx

    Layla 1

    All good thanks 🙂 have my 6 week appointment tomorrow (im 6 weeks po today tho) so I get to go and get measured!! 😀 xx

    Pepsy 5

    I’m having 450 put in my biggest option I really can’t wait now just hope I’m not in much pain afterwards with two kids look after haha! I best get my lost sorted nt a thing organised xx

    Becky 4

    OMG you are all really worrying me! Mine op is 5 weeks away and I haven’t even thought about buying anything ! This is a big help though think I’m going to copy this list. So worried ill forgot something though xxx

    Sophie Clare 17

    Mines 5 weeks hun, 23rd jan wby?
    Im so organised though, i want to get all sorted so i can be excited instead stressed closer to time. Still have my bras, v pillow an all snacks an magazines to get xx

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