Fillings in teeth Started by: Kate

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  • Kate 18

    My op is 22nd December and I’ve recently had two temporary fillings – I spoke to my dentist and told him I was due to have general anaesthetic and he said that it wouldn’t be an issue because they’re stable.
    But I’m terrified!! In my pre-op the nurse asked if I had any unstable fillings/bridges etc and at the time I didn’t…
    I told my dentist (who is also a friend!) that I was worried about choking if they were knocked out and he said that the fillings wouldn’t even be big enough to choke on.
    I’m still really scared though, does anyone have experience of this!? I’m scared if I tell my surgeon that I have temporary fillings that I wont be able to have the op!
    Thanks in advance ladies xx


    hey! don’t worry about it! I have a fake tooth at the front and they only ask so they can be extra careful when putting in the tube, the anethetist will ask you on the morning so just make them aware and ul be fine! good luck! x

    Mlala 6

    Hey hun, i work in a dentist and its really nothing to be worried about. Temporary fillings rarely fall out because they are still quite strong and if they did fall out you wouldn’t even notice them. so many patients we see swallow fillings without noticing because they are so small, so don’t worry about choking! I’m sure they will stay in place just fine – it will take a hell of a lot of force to make any fillings fall out lol xx

    Kate 18

    Ah thanks so much girls that’s really put my mind at rest!!
    I was panicking like crazy… Eeeek only 5 days now! Xx


    I had braces and it was fine 🙂 xx

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