Who would like to go bigger Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls any of feeling that you like going bigger or having 2nd op ? Xx


    Yep cant wait to xx

    Yana 51

    Yes! I would:) money is an issue though:(

    Rebecca 46

    If I had a 2nd op I would defo go for 500cc this time ! Xxx

    Janet 4

    Not for me.. lol.. I have 550 cc and out of clothes they look massive. X hoping they shrink just a little x


    It’s craziest thing ever this implants world I wish I would have gone bigger than 590cc now but wear do we draw line wot cup sizes would you like ? Xx

    Kim 1

    I am inclined to think that breast implants, or perhaps any cosmetic surgery could be considered addictive in a way. This is merely an observation and obviously only gets out of hand in rare cases as it’s probably quite difficult to get carried away, what with the price and finding a surgeon willing to go out of their comfort zone.
    In my life so far I have found 3 things to be similar to this situation. First was body piercings, when I was 12 I only ever wanted my belly button pierced, I was absolutely positive of that but several years and at least 15 piercings later I have to admit I was rather hooked. Tattoos were next, since turning 18 I’ve become quite highly decorated and have many plans for the future because I love how changeable I am in that sense. Third is a bit more sinister but possibly relates more closely to cosmetic surgery. I’m reminded of an eating disorder I used to have where I would set weight goals for myself. However once I’d reached that goal it still wasn’t enough, I now know that no matter how small I got I still wanted to go smaller, like I was addicted to losing weight because it made me feel better about myself. Anything that gives you the ability to change yourself for the better can easily be taken too far as it’s feels great until you get used to it and crave another change.
    That being said I’ve not seen anyone on here who seems like they’ve gone over the top 🙂 I just wonder if this dreaded boob greed thing is a mild form of this need to continually change to feel better.

    Kim 1

    Mind you I only bring this up because clearly I myself have a habit of becoming addicted to changing my appearance in drastic ways. Here’s hoping I don’t go mad with this. Thankfully I will most likely never be able to afford cosmetic surgery as a habit and I’m sure you lovely lot will keep me grounded 🙂 x


    Kim that’s post is pretty much bang on I was pretty much hung on weight since I was 13 up and down like lift that’s I how I ended up with a uplift and like u said it can addicted in some ways and kind of thinking wot next but can t afford it lol bobbie greed isn’t a nice all it and can rip you apart and make u feel unhappy if you over think it Janet yours are lovely chick u pick a good round off size and looks good on you xx

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