Time off work Started by: Amber

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  • Amber 1

    Does any of you girls have a physical job?? Just wanting to know how long I would need off work roughly. I work with horses so a lot of lifting bending pushing ect can anyone help xx

    Kayleigh 36

    I do hair dressing I was back in work week later. But wasn’t blowdrying only taking it easy.


    I would say you need quite a while off, I am a Vet and have taken 3 weeks off, might take more just to be sure but u still shouldn’t be lifting etc until your 6 weeks PO. At the moment I’m 2 weeks PO and can now do normal housework stuff however when I lean over still have a little pain from gravity I suppose with the new weight on my chest ! Xx

    Abby 7

    I no ur not allowed to horse ride till atleast 6 weeks. Just depends what u have to do? Xxx

    Rebecca 46

    I say a few weeks as I am over 3 weeks post op and I still find it a bit tiring doing things and walking around a lot my boobs ache loads and hurt so about 3-4 weeks x

    Amber 1

    Thanks guys oh god it’s going to be a while then haha tomorrow is the surgery not long now does anyone els find that last few days drag

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