Yesterday was my operation day, my admission time was 12pm. I arrived at the Preston clinic at 11:40am. I had my own private room which my partner could sit in whilst I had my operation, he had yo come out of the room for 20 mins whilst they took the bed out and prepared it for me coming back.
The staff were lovely my nurse went trough paperwork first shortly followed by Mr Traynor who came and drawn and me and went through some more paperwork. Then I had 2 anesthesiologist nurses come to see me just to go through paperwork. I was given compression socks and a lovely gown and some paper knickers. At 12:40 I was going down for my operation ( did not expect to happen so quick). I was put in a room and put to sleep given some liquid paracetamol first which felt cold going up my arm, then something to relax me then I felt like I was a little drunk next thing I know I’m waking up and have my new boobs!
I was not in any pain just kept feeling sick which I was given anti sickness for. My chest didn’t feel tight (I did have access skin from weight loss).
I was let out at 4:30pm and managed to eat some tea had some tea and toast at the hospital when I woke up.
I wouldn’t worry about your operation the staff are amazing and couldn’t do any more to help. Also you can take 2 people with you I wanted to take my mum and my partner. Was gutted when I got there and the nurse said I could have had 2 people.
I would say if your a day case things to take with you are
Dressing gown
Front fasting top (I took pyjamas)
Sports bra ( Mr traynor does not use strapping)
Overall really pleased Mr traynor said it went really well not in to much pain this morning just keeping on top of my medication. Any questions always happy to help. I’ll upload some pics when I figure out how to do it on this new layout x