Op in 18 days undecided how big to go any advice? Started by: Emma-Louise

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  • Emma-Louise 20

    Hi girls I have my op in 18 days with dr mounir I have my surgeon consultation on Thursday. I’m currently an A cup and would like to go for a full DD cup. Has anyone done a similar thing if so what implant ect any advise would be great xx

    Kelly 30

    Hi Emma I have my op with Dr Singh on the 28th of jan at the Fitzroy I am a 32 a and I am having 400cc high profiles I told him I wanted to achieve a d cup at least hope this helps xx

    Emma-Louise 20

    Awww bet your excited 🙂 That’s helped I was thinking 450cc Hp overs to take me to at least a dd I’ve yet to try on the implants at my next consultation on Thursday I’m just really baffled and really don’t want to get it wrong! Good luck Hun I’m sure they’ll look fab xx

    Kelly 30

    I hope so where you having your ba done? X

    Emma-Louise 20

    I’m having mine in Preston haven’t got a admission time yet have you? I’m on a late cancelation so it’s come round really quick xx

    Kelly 30

    No admission time yet think they give it to you 48hours before yea I got a cancellation to but booked on the 19th of dec and had my pre op and that as well wish I could just get it over and done with now working myself up far to much about things x

    Rebecca 46

    It depends what your surgeon. Can give you Emma as it depends in your skin stretchyness and like your breast tissue if you. an have overs . I wanted like 425 overs and I want allowed the size or overs so I’m afraid it’s up to your surgeon babe what’s your stats ? Xx

    Kelly 30

    Bec the more research I am doing the more I am really wanting overs which was originally what Dr Singh offered me but now he’s undecided what did you have was it unders! The nearer it’s getting the more worked up I am getting is this normal?? Xx yours are looking fab Bec. Hope I get a result like yours xx

    Rebecca 46

    Hey Kelly I had partial unders babe as he said I would have rippling with overs and that I would have complications for example sagging etc as I am small and the implant wouldn’t be held in by the muscle if I went over . Don’t worry babe what are your stats ? It’s up to the surgeon he nows best babe and also you don’t want rippling do you ? It looks terrible xxx

    Kelly 30

    No don’t want rippling I am 5ft 1 size 6/8 7stone 10 he did say about the rippling but also said my muscle ain’t great so either way I just don’t know what he’s going to do I am 36 and have a 13 year old got pretty good skin as I didn’t get stretch marks on my pregnancy I am just confused as he only offered me overs on our first meeting then on my second meeting he said he may go under as I had a bit more breast tissue but I thought they went under if there was very little breast tissue it’s really confusing just wish I knew either way. I have my own cleaning business and can’t get anymore than two weeks off as I can’t afford to take any more off as me and my other half are saving for our wedding in September just really worried about recovery? Xx

    Rebecca 46

    Aww really babe. What size are you getting ? Either way they will look amazing and big as your only tiny haha smaller than me ! Just see on the day but try not to worry as there’s nothing you can do to change his decision he will do what’s best for you and what would be ideal so just see 🙂 you will be ok with the recovery it’s just uncomfortable but people find it different . Two weeks is fine ! Xxx

    Kelly 30

    Thanks Bec I hope it will be ok after two weeks as I am a nightmare to keep still and will push myself just got to try to chill out xxx

    Emma-Louise 20

    Really this is why I’m panicking I’m scared I won’t be able to achieve what I want with not being able to stretch enough I will know more on Thursday when I’ve met with my surgeon I’ve heard good things about him yours look amazing by the way Rebecca 🙂 im so nervous but so excited how was the recovery if you don’t mind me asking xx

    Rebecca 46

    I no that’s what I was like I was worried I couldn’t achieve what I wanted but they have to give you what fits your body and if they stretch your skin too much that your not suppose to have then you will get stretch marks badly so you won’t want that and emmm my recovery wasn’t great not gonna lie it’s just not comfortable but it goes quickly and you will fine after a week just think pain is beauty haha and boobs! X

    Emma-Louise 20

    pain is beauty that’s what I keep telling myself I’m panicking about the recovery more than anything I just don’t know what to expect I really hope I can have the 450cc overs but like you say Hun depends if I’ll stretch with me being so small to start off with Thursday carnt come quick enough so I can have it sorted eeeekkk

    Rebecca 46

    Aww let me no babe what he says ! If your small they will look quite big anyway but just trust your surgeon as they have done thousands and you don’t want complications xx

    Emma-Louise 20

    Sorry @Rebecca just read your message properly I’m 5ft 4 I’m 8st 8 currently a 34 A I’ll be gutted if I carnt have the 450 hp overs as I’m really set on it but the surgeon knows best xxx

    Rebecca 46

    How come you want this size babe ? They look different on each person as I have seen some 300 look bigger than 450 it’s just on the body looks different so don’t worry just leave it to your surgeon just ask for the biggest x

    Emma-Louise 20

    My PC advised 450cc hp overs when I had my first consultation for the look that I was aiming for and when I saw them they were exactly what I wanted to achieve but like you say Hun everyone’s different finally get to try the sizers on tomorrow eeeek then off to see the nurse…. 2 weeks today and counting so nervous but so excited xx

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