Getting really really nervous. Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie 4

    So my op is on wednesday, I’m travelling down to London for it tomorrow. I feel so nervous now, more excited but still ridiculously nervous and I don’t even know why. I’m nervous about stupid things like talking to the nurses, my surgeon ect at the hospital, i don’t know why!! I’m nervous about the strapping too. And i don’t know what anastethic I’m having? what did everyone else have? what did everyone put on their scars after and how long after? when did everyone start using bio oil on their boobs and that? ahhhhh i need to calm down lol x

    Kelly 30

    I am the same Abbie I have mine on the 28th I am nervous about it all I am sure you’ll be fine xxx

    Abbie 4

    It’s scary isn’t it? I just want it to be done! haha xxx

    Kelly 30

    I know the feeling working myself up so much reading all the things on here I am freaking out but it will be worth it in the end x

    Sophie Clare 17


    Mines on 23rd and it making me feel physically sick and I feel like im having mini panic attacks when ever I think about it !!
    After I bet we will think whats all the fuss about xxx

    Rachael 7

    Hey Abbie, I saw your post and just thought I would write to you cos I was exactly the same! I had my op last Tuesday in London too and was getting so anxious before hand, I know it’s easier said than done but try not to worry! The nurses etc were all lovely, they look after you completely you don’t need to worry about a thing 🙂 the worst thing is the waiting around but seriously you will b totally fine! Xxx

    Abbie 4

    SAME GIRLS! 🙁 I’ve been going really light headed and dizzy and all and i swear its down to anxiety! i know it sounds over the top lol. Awww thanks Rachael, how are yours now? all ok? I just want it to be done now haha xxx


    I’m having mine on the 24th and I’m exactly the same it’s making me feel sick when I think about it I’m so scared! X

    Rachael 7

    Hey Abbie! I feel totally fine, I only took pain killers for the 1st few days, I haven’t needed them at all since! I’m getting the strapping off 2moro morning which I’m excited for!! I was exactly the same as you wanting it all over and done with and feeling nervous! But when they come to get you for surgery it literally goes by in a flash! I felt great when I woke up after the op, I’d describe it as abit drunk like & sleepy lol! I think when I came round, they kept me in for roughly 3hrs, I just snoozed/watched tele. Then when they said I was free to go, I called my bf to meet me and we walked bk to the hotel together, stopped at macdonalds on the way haha! Honestly you will b fine, I was surprised at how fine I felt!! Xxx

    sarah 15

    im exactly the same my op is on thurs and im pooping it just worrid about the size im nervous about the drains and the strapping amd how im gonna sleep etc as i have twin boys who r all over me all the time and think its gonna be so hard for me to actually rest

    Abbie 4

    yeah I’m worried about the strapping as well 🙁 anyone stayed in hospital over night? xx

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