Anaesthetic? Started by: Harriet

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  • Harriet 16

    Got my op in 3 weeks and had my pre op today!
    During the pre op all she mentioned was ‘general anaesthetic’ ….Im sure I’ve read that there is the option to have local with sedation? Has anyone had this?
    What’s everyone’s experience who’s had the general…this is the thing I am without doubt most worried about!!
    I’m thinking I should of asked about the choice of anaesthetic now…eek!! Xx

    Kelly 30

    I am worried to about anaesthetic your not on your own there! I thought you could only have a general who said you could have local? X


    I was offered local with sedation not sure if they only do it at certain clinics as mine would be Doncaster and I’m sure my pc said they only do local there! X

    Amy 265

    Twilight sedation is what I had at Doncaster. It was fab was on my way home a hour after coming out of surgery


    General is fine.. its kind of a nice feeling when ur put to sleep.. then next thing u knw ur awake with new boobies 🙂 x


    Hey girls! I had my op on 18yh December and I loveddddd being put to sleep. I’d never had general anaesthetic before but I would 100% have it again lol it’s the best feeling! You’re put to sleep then wake up with big boobies. It can make you feel a little sick afterwards, I wasn’t actually sick, but I asked for anti-sickness tablets and felt absolutely fine after. Good luck! Don’t worry yourself about it. You’ll be fine xxxx

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