I’ve just got home from my first consultation. The patient coordinator told me all about the implants (What they’re made of and why etc), asked me what I wanted (What size are you now, what size do you want to be, natural or fake looking?), talked me through what to expect from surgery, asked me if I had an idea of what surgeon I wanted (I chose Mr Singh), gave me his profile, asked if I had done any research at all, how long I had been thinking of doing this …. urm and that’s all I can remember.
I didn’t really have any questions as i’ve been researching since I was 18 (i’m 23 now), I asked if I could use a plastic nipple bar after surgery and that was it really.
They give you a few sheets that have all the details on and their card too so if you do think of anything to ask afterwards you can get straight in touch with your patient co-ordinator xx