2 weeks to go! 450cc hp overs Started by: Laura (@laurawight)

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    I have my ba booked for the 3rd feb with Dr traynor.
    I’m having 450cc hp overs, from a 32b/34a.
    Does anyone have similar stats, will they look too big?

    Also wondering what I should take with me. Do I need to wear a sports bra if I have strapping or is it fine without?


    Ashlee 6

    Hi babe. I havnt had my op yet but apparently Traynor doesnt use strapping, so take sports bra with you 🙂 im a 32c and having 500cc overs, il add you now so you can see mine (my ops 21st jan) xxx


    Hi! Oh really? I thought you needed to have it! Yes I’ll defintely take it then
    Thank you! I’ll accept you now.
    So nervous about how they’re going to look, everyone’s are so different!
    Is yours with traynor too?xxx

    Ashlee 6

    Yeah i think you still have the bandages around the incisions just not the full on strapping other surgeons use.I am SOOOOO nervous now to think its happening this week i feel sick!!!!! constant churning in my stomach. i know people can have the same size cc and they look small on some and big on others, i worry sometimes mine might be too big but i think im just worrying over nothing. i blame bodyshockers lol
    Yes im also with Traynor 🙂 Are you excited? xxxx

    Ashlee 6

    sorry i should say smaller / bigger – all boobs look great big or small – i just meant what u said they look diff on everyone xxx


    Hey hun not long now it will be here b4 u know it 🙂 .. they will be a nice size.. wont look huge or anything dont worry about that.. u need to take a sports bra as traynor doesnt usually use strapping.. for some reason he did with me but only under my boobs so i still needed the sports bra.. u will just have the incisions covered.. u must be excited 🙂 x


    Oh right I wonder why he doesn’t use strapping.
    Oh wow I bet you’re excited though now! I’m nervous already and its ages away compared to yours! I keep dreaming about the operation haha


    I have no idea why but only some of my message has posted…
    Yeah exactly but I think I’d rather them be a bit too big than too small or I’d be disappointed still!
    Yeah I bet you’ll love them when you see them! Not long now for you


    I am excited but really nervous now too! Are you?xxx


    I know missy, it felt like ages but it’s flying past now! Can’t believe how soon it is!
    I hope so! And ah okay yeah I’ll defintrly take one!
    I wonder why he doesn’t use it, maybe only uses it when they need extra support for size maybe?
    I am very excited but so nervous too!x


    @amylouk neither can I! Aw that’s only a week away, bet you’re so excited!
    Hope you don’t mind that I’ve added you!
    Me neither, I’m so scared!xx


    @archerashlee @amanda25
    Don’t know if I have to tag for you to see a reply!!xx

    Nicola 12

    I had Mr traynor 36 b 450 cc the weeks post op and an e sports bra is tight but I’m still swollen yiu will need your sports bra for straight after surgery x


    @nikjy thank you Nicola! How have you found your recovery? Are yours overs?x

    Ashlee 6

    @laurawight I am so excited but at the same time pretty nervous! I have read so many people having lovely experiences at the hospital etc so hoping for the same.I cant believe i booked it beginning of this month and its happening this wednesday. haha your op will come around fast i feel like mine has.
    u mentioned at the top u were wondering what to take, i have a v pillow from argos, couple of sports bras, front fastening pjs (also need front fastening top), dressing gown, slippers.
    Are you daycase or overnight?
    I need to find antibac wash / arnica tablets as they didnt have any in the boots i went to


    @archerashlee yeah I’m getting really excited now but soooo nervous about the operation and how they will look! I just can’t wait to wake up from it and see them
    Yeah same, it’s been pretty reassuring seeing other people saying its a nice hospital, and all staff are nice! I just know I’ll be really scared on the day before the operation
    I know it’s so so quick! I booked mine at the beginning of this month too and it’s now 2 weeks away, can’t believe how fast it’s going!
    Oh as if yours is so soon! Can’t wait to see your results! You’ll have to let me know what it was all like so I’m not too scared haha!!
    Right I’ll defintely get one of those c pillows as everyone has mentioned those, and day case. Are you?
    I think boots have the wash when I asked but it’s wuite expensive. They said to get in on prescription as it’s cheaper xxx

    Ashlee 6

    @laurawight im daycase too! i got my admission time already its 12. after the op i will write a post about my experience as i found when other girls have done it , it has been most helpful to read and gives you an idea of what will happen on the day etc. what was the wash called? in boots the guy told me they just had antibac handwash lol xxx


    @archerashler I’ll have to make sure I have everything before then! So excited the more I talk about it, the more excited I get!
    Oh have you? When did you get it? And how did you get it? Do they phone you or something with it?
    Yes please do! I’ll feel miles better knowing what it’s like I think!
    I’m not sure what it was called but it was behind the counter in the pharmacy/prescriptions bit!
    hahha oh I hope they have some!xxx

    Ashlee 6

    @laurawight you will get a phonecall to tell you the admission time usually 48 hrs before but i had mine a little earliar 🙂 il have to get myself to the shop tomorrow to find some! this snow is doing my head in i hope it stops tomorrow. been snowing all day here xxx


    @archerashlee ah right okay, I’m hoping mine is midday ish too rather than early morning as it’s quite a long drive!
    Yeah you’ll have to, think I might write up a list and get things ready next week so I feel prepared! Oh yeah hopefully it will stop then! Do you have to travel far? Bet you’ll be really excited tomorrow!!xxx

    Ashlee 6

    @laurawight im travelling down tonight and staying in a hotel nearby, we booked it before i got my admission time just incase it was 7am. il be crapping myself in the hotel tomorrow morning haha. Im coming from Newcastle so its a couple of hours drive. Where will you be travelling from? xxx


    @archerashlee oh that’s a good idea actually, I didn’t even think of that tbh. I hope mines not too early
    Hahaha yeah I bet you will, I know I would be!
    I’ll be going from Middlesbrough so about 2 and a half/3 hours depending on the traffic!
    Good luck! Hope it all goes well for you!xxx

    Nicola 12

    I’ve been fine so far just felt like I’d been and overdone it at the gym. I had overs are you having overs too @laura


    @nicola oh that’s not too bad, hope it’s the same for me! Yeah I am!x

    Nicola 12

    I’ve been fine so far my left looks amazing but my right is still swollen so they still look massive x

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