Contraceptive pill! Started by: Lyndsey

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  • Lyndsey 4

    I have just remember that the nurse said that I should come off the pill 2 weeks before my op and 2 weeks after. Has anyone else had to do this? I really dont want to come off the pill, i have 2 daughters already and the thought of getting pregnant again scares me! Coming off the subject slightly…… I cant wait to heal and slap some fake tan on!! I haven’t bothered as my ops coming up and I feel naked! lol xxx

    Kayleigh 36

    I come off mine week before. And took mine two days after op.

    Freya 70

    Your supposed to be off it for 4 weeks in total as it really increases your risk of bloodclots. Just tell him to wrap it up 😉 xx

    Natalie 13

    U should come off well before operation or not come off at all because of blood clots and hormone changes. I stayed on mine and just realised once I started taking antibiotics they wouldn’t work anyway. But was only on them a couple days as had a very bad reaction so hardly took them. Sorry to change but @ Freya hope u ok.xx


    I have my surgery next week & im still taking my pill..
    I asked the nurse ages ago if I needed to stop taking it and she said no not if you don’t want too :/
    worried now ! xxx

    BK 13


    I was told that its your own choice to take or to stop it just gives an increased risk of DVT.


    Ashlee 6

    @curleysue Hahahahaha your post made me laugh! I have 2 daughters and didnt want to come off mine as i dont want any more children at this moment in time. my nurse and PC told me to stop taking 2 weeks before and after… so i did :/ yup like freya said just gotta wrap up haha. altho i cant really relax during coz im panicking its gonna break.and i am the same with fake tan im practically blending into my white walls its shocking. but its all for a good cause 😉 xxx

    Beth 9

    If you’re going to continue taking you pill the only advice I am knowledgeable to give is to keep as active as possible to reduce the increased risk of DVT (sounds very contradictory I know haha) x

    Lyndsey 4

    Thanks everyone, iv came off it, so it will be nearly to weeks before my op being pill free. haha Glad its not just me Ashlee… roll on summer! xxx

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