op sunday been fine. now agony Started by: kelly3322

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  • kelly3322 21

    Hi ladies I had my opp on Sunday. Had 450 cc unders. I’ve been fine little uncomfortable up to now but woke up this morning really really sore. I’m not sure if it’s the incisions hurting or the strapping a little further round is giving me blisters or irritating the skin ite like a burning pain. My little bandage things to cover the incisons look quite far round and not under the boob directly where I thought they would be. So does this mean he’s gone in on an angle? Im ok when sitting completely still just as soon as I move this awful pain courses through ny left side not even in my boob but under and Towards arm pit. Anyone experienced anything like this as just stressing out a bit as thought was on road to recovery then today bam feel like I’ve hit a brick wall. Xd

    Alex 119

    Aww no! Might be worth giving your PC a ring just to put your mind at ease. Bless you! Hope you feel better soon flower xox

    Freya 70

    Aw hun that’s not good! Ive been at a pretty steady achyness in practically my full upper body, ichy boobs and sore incisions. It does sound like it’s pretty normal if I’m honest but id ring your pc or nurse and double check just to put you at ease xxx

    kelly3322 21

    Now that I’m up and about and had my tablets I’m not as sore. I’ve pointed to where the pain is too my partner and he says it looks like it’s NOT my incisions and more my normal skin and possibly the rubbing from strapping. I will give oc a call later on though just to see what she says. Xxx

    Amy 265

    I had a lot of strange pains and they was down to the local anaesthetic wearing off and the nerves reconnecting. Keep on top of your pain relief hun x

    Freya 70

    You’ll be fine chick try not to worry. It’s most likely the horrible strapping, it’s properly annoying isn’t it…soo tight. When do you get yours off? Xxx

    kelly3322 21

    It doesnt come off till Tuesday 🙁 booo. I might ring and see if I can get an appointment for the weekend instead though as I really do believe that’s what is irritating me. Xxx

    Freya 70

    Aw mine is Monday its a total nightmare isn’t it. Will you be able to get it done early? I want mine off now haha. Xxx

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