Mr Singh 20th February Started by: Alana Wise

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  • Alana Wise 48

    So I’ve just gone passed my 1 month mark until I get my boobs done with Mr Singh. I’m seeing him next week on Thursday to discuss sizes and also have a pre-op with the nurse. I’m thinking I may want 375cc or around that for a natural look. Has anyone recently had Mr Singh and can tell me their experiences with him? I’m super excited but still so nervous because I haven’t discussed my size yet! Also where did people get their post surgery Bras from? When is best to get them?


    Sian 21

    I’m with dr Singh on 20th feb too! 🙂 xx are you a day case?

    Alana Wise 48

    Yes I am lovely! What size are you getting? Xx

    Sian 21

    I’ve got my surgeons consultation on 13th… So I’ll find out properly then. I’m hoping to achieve a DD.. Yourself? Xx

    Alana Wise 48

    My consultation is next week! I’m so excited but scared. Yeah I want to achieve like a DD. I’m currently a 30C so tiny back tiny boobs.. im so happy you’re on the same day as me! I’ll have someone to share the process with haha xx

    Sian 21

    Oh good luck let me know your consultation goes and what dr singhs like! There’s another girl on here with the same day as us too 🙂 I’m a 30a so even smaller! Haha xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Thank you! I’ll let you know don’t worry! Oh really? What’s her name? By the sounds of your stats you’re about the same build as me, so will be interesting to see what cc he offers the both of us! I Can’t stop looking at bras. I can tell it’ll be so expensive after this haha. How are you getting to the hospital? Is someone taking you? Xx

    Sian 21

    I can’t remember her name actually she’s on my friends list so I’ll have a look! Yeh we need to compare what he’s offered ha! I know I’m so excited to go bra shopping.. Have you prepared at all for what yor bringing to the hosp and what bras you buying for straight after?
    I have no idea yet I haven’t asked my mum otherwise I’m going with my friend or on my own and get someone to pick me up! What you doing?? I haven’t decided! Xx

    Gemma 5

    Hi, I’m 2 weeks post op after having 400cc overs by mr Singh, he’s lovely! I was a nervous wreck when I had my consultation with him to the point that I even put the bra on inside out to try implant sizes but he made a joke of it and I then felt at ease! I’m happy with my results so far and feel he really listened to what I wanted! Feel free to add me if you want to see my pics! Xx

    Sian 21

    Haha oh good he sounds nice then! Yeh I’ll add you know now thanks 🙂 what size were you pre op gemma? Xx

    Gemma 5

    I was 32a hardly anything there! After each child I had I just got smaller! Xx

    Sian 21

    Yours look great gemma! You’ve Reassured me now! 🙂 I can’t wait! Xx

    Alana Wise 48

    I’ll let you know next week, look out for a new topic. I’ll orobably start a new one once I’ve had my consultation. No I haven’t got anything yet.. I honestly have no idea what to get! Do you have any idea? I mean a sports bra and possibly a v pillow I’m looking to buy but I will probably wait until next week. I’m having a pre-op with the nurse so I’m assuming she’ll tell me what I need then, hoping so anyway. Ah right, do you have far to go? My boyfriend is taking me and bringing me back thankfully. Otherwise I would of had to of gone on a train. Thanks for commenting Gemma! I’ve not really seen many girls on here that have had him, or I’m not looking in the right place so it’s nice to know you’re happy. What did you get to prepare for your op? Has he suggested a compression band at all to help with the dropping? I just want them to drop asap because I’ll hate how high they’ll be! Xx

    rachel 7

    Hi girls I’m booked in for 375 hp overs in March with Mr Singh hes loverly answerd All my questions and listened to what I wanted and then showed me the size he though would be best and the size was just what I wanted fingers crossed il b a d /dd after xx

    Sian 21

    I don’t know either and it’s difficult because my consultation and nurses consultation is a week before my op so I won’t have time to shop in the week as I’ll be at work which is annoying! I am about an hour away on the train! So I don’t know how far it is on the train you? What’s a compression band?

    Hey Rachel! So exciting I’m going to get to a DD too just want it done now! Xx

    Gemma 5

    Mr Singh straps you up really tight during surgery (you can see the strapping in my pics) I won’t lie it’s not very comfortable but I trust him and that it’s best! It’s only on for 1 week and for me it flew by! I wasn’t surprised to see it had cut into me at the top of my chest but that’s healed no problem, just need to wear a sports bra now up until my 6 week check up! They have dropped a bit feels a lot more comfortable now although they still have a way to go yet! I had wonky boobs a few days ago as 1 dropped before the other but they seem more even today! 🙂 xx

    Kayleigh 36

    U will be fine with him I had 700cc from 340cc and so far all good. And two weeks post. Your In safe hands with him

    Alana Wise 48

    Thanks for all your help girls! It’s getting me even more excited! Sian, that’s not good! I’ll let you know what she says to me so maybe you can get stuff beforehand and you’re already prepared! Oh that’s not too bad I guess. My trip would be like 2 hours I think on the train. Hopefully you can get a lift up though! How long have you booked off work? A compression band is a strap thing you put on top of your breasts to help them drop. Have any of you girls had them? Xx

    Sian 21

    I know its leaving it well late they couldn’t get me in earlier! Thanks yeh please do alana 🙂 I’ll be stressing out ha! Iv booked off work so I’ll be off from 20th-2nd march! So 9 days recovery will hopefully be ok! You? Xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Which clinic are you going with? Haha don’t worry too much. If you get everything online you won’t have to worry too much anyway. That’s my thought process. I’ll probably get the bras and pillow online. I think I’m the same? I’ve booked off the friday till Friday but obviously have the weekends too which will help xx

    Sian 21

    London you? I suppose so! All the girls really helpful on here too! Yep we got quite a bit of time and I only work in an office so it’s not too bad! Xx

    Alana Wise 48

    Oh sorry I meant where is your consultation clinic? Xx

    Sian 21

    My consultations are in the same clinic in london xxx

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