when do they get closer? Started by: StaceyStubbings

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    Iknow its early days (4 days post op) im just so impatient, when do they start moving together? should my sports bra be pushing them together/down, or do they move on there own? Xx

    Sophie Clare 17

    Hi babe how u feeling 4days po struggling with my back 1 day po xxx


    Im not too bad ive stopped taking my pain killers today (so it does get easier) 🙂 I had a really bad back the 1st day after, I got some heat patches (the non medicated ones) and they were so good they really helped, u could try them? Also when u sleep try putting a cushion under ur legs that also helped me, congrats on ur new boobies though! How u finding them?:-) xxx


    Hey hun they will move together it takes some time its diff for everyone.. i dont think the sports bra does anything except support them.. the gap u had before the op is the gap u will have when they settle x

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