Period!! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hii girls..
    I stopped taking my pill about 10 days ago for surgery & ive come on my period early…
    I took a pill yesterday and today to try and stop it & its kind of working, I don’t want to be on my period when im having surgery especiually as im having vaser on my inner thighs..
    but now im worried as I know your not really supposed to take your pill!
    not sure what to do! xxx

    Kayleigh 36

    When u just stop taking the pill u will get a period. I did for just under a week and was on while surgery but nit ugh at alas it was to end.

    Fionajsd 131

    I had my period whilst I had my breast enlargement I had to wear a towel x


    Taking the pill once your on hun wont stop your period. Ive tried, trust me!! 🙁 stop taking them and don’t worry, it will be worse if you carry on taking them. Don’t worry about it they aren’t going to be bothered! 🙂 xx


    I wouldn’t care if I was just having BA but im having vaser aswel.. they will be putting incisions close to my groin & pubic area so I just thought being on my period and wearing a towel might be a problem.
    Thanks girls hopefully it wont matter that ive taken a couple of pills :/

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