Will I have enough time to recover?? Started by: jmc89

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  • jmc89

    Hi girls,

    I am going for my consultation with Mr Traynor next week but I won’t be able to have my BA straight away as I can’t have the time off uni. I would like them around 15th/16th December but I’m wondering if that would leave me enough time to recover and be able to go out over Christmas? I think I will be having implants under the muscle which I’ve heard have a longer recovery time. If I’m going to be in pain and have to stay in all over Christmas then I might wait untill the first week in January but I just want them as soon as poss!! x


    A lot of people have 2weeks to recover but some feel fine after a few days, its mainly the lifting and carrying and doing general things like brushing your hair, if you rest after your op and take it easy i’m sure you will be fine but everyone is different some ppl off the so fem site have been back at work after 4days! ring and speak to your PC or just ring and ask, they’re really helpful but i think you will prob need 2 weeks max and to just take it easy after that x
    Good Luck x

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