I’ve just uploaded pictures taken this morning, I had full tummy tuck and BA 400cc HP unders. Happy with the TT but what do you think of the boobs? The right one is still hihjer and if I flex at all it distorts and it’s quite uncomfortable even painful when I exercise. For any other pics, just add me.
Unders they will flex hun as its the muscle grabbing them. Think cc in unders in incredibly rare xx
The right is much higher , have u seen your surgeon ? Doesn’t look like its dropped as well as the left x
Just found this on the web about cc hope it helps
Under the muscle (sub-pectoral or ‘partial sub-muscular’) placement of the implant reduces risk of capsular contracture by an average of 8 – 10%. Whereas over the muscle (in front of the muscle or ‘sub-mammary’) has 10 – 25% or more chance of capsule contracture. Complete unders (total sub-musculofascial) provide even more protection in preventing capsular contracture of the breast implants.
How you seen your surgeon hun?xxx
Yes, I saw him last week, he agrees that it won’t get any better as its already been 6 months. My left one has weaker muscle so it dropped better. He said he will do a revision to move them over free of charge. He didn’t actually say is CC. Although it does happen. It’s not the appearance that bothers me, it’s also the shooting pain I get around it, and from inside towards the nipple if I do any press-ups even on my knees , even a couple.I am now waiting for head office to decide this week, fingers crossed.
I agree hun, the right one does look quite high considering the amount of time that’s passed. Did you have two different sized implants?
I have no personal experience though of the dropping and fluffing process as I’ve yet to have my op.
Might be best to go back and speak to your surgeon hun. I think with CC the implant becomes really hard and very painful, but like Fiona said CC is rarer in unders. xx
Sorry I posted my response before I saw yours Yana. How is he proposing to correct the problem and do you know what’s caused it? xx
Fiona, I know all about the CC and less risk and that, I suppose I didn’t expect my pecks to be so damn stubborn. I had overs before that. I wanted unders to avoid CC and to avoid rippling. Now regreting it:( I would have been happy if the right one was the same as the left. And no pain. It’s weird as it pulls on the muscle UNDER the crease too, on the ribcage. Really weird.
He proposed to move them over. I had to have recent pics done to put my revision case together and it will be up to the head office wherever it will happen or not. I hope so! And it might take about a week to know what they decide. Waiting is a drag:(
Oh and Trace, to answer your qu. Both implants are the same-400cc HP Mentors.
And don’t know what might have caused it. I followed all te aftercare, avoided the gym for like 3 months ( mainly because of the TT). So don’t know. Unlucky I guess:(
Hey huni il post you one of mine my right breast under the muscle with CC as this can be common as the muscle is incase the implants xx
Bless you, are you in pain when you work out and move around or is it constant? Hopefully you’ll get a reply soon so they can sort it out for you! Who was your surgeon hun?xxx
Strong muscles im guessing ! Hope it’s sorted soon for u xx
This mine
Unders are not for everybody as the same with overs but overs work better for me xx
See the problem is this can happen wear cc with overs it’s scar tissue and unders with the muscle also we never are never told that unders will be funny shape as they are the under the muscle xx
Aw that deffo doesnt look right hun fingers crossed 2nd time round they will be ok.. gd luck with ur re op x
Thank you ladies! Luckily it’s not a constant pain otherwise I wouldn’t have waited so long. It has gotten worse and at one point I thought “this isn’t right, I should be able to do some pressups after 6months” and then it’s become more obvious in the recent weeks. Besides I didn’t have a proper post-op with the surgeon until now, thought it’s time. I had Dr.Singh and bless him I can’t fault him, he’s been great, would go with him again!
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