Booked my op :-) Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 11

    Hey girls I’m new to all of this.. I have my op booked for Friday 27th feb!! Only booked it on Thursday. So soon.. It’s my mr kazzazi in Doncaster. Im having 350cc under the muscle, im a 32 a, 7.5 stone and 5′”4 . Has anyone else got similar stats which the same implant so I can have a nosey please 😉 I’m quite calm at the moment but then I keep getting super nervous. I don’t think I am good with pain and I have never had an operation before so not sure what to expect.. I have a 2 and a half year old little girl. Any tips on anything that will help with comfort and healing ect.. What would u recommend me buying in before surgery, taking with me ect..
    Thanks in advance 🙂


    So excited for you babe! Mines on Tuesday and I’ve started using bio oil to help avoid stretch marks. Also bought front fastening bras, V pillow and lots of bottles of dry shampoo haha and anti bacterial wipes as you can’t shower for a few days. I’ve also packed slippers, dressing gown and comfys, phone charger and magazines. Hope this helps honey xx

    Katie 11

    Aw thank you 🙂 I don’t even know what size sports bras to buy lol.. Have you started taking arnica tablets? A friend has advised me to start taking them but I’m sure the nurse at my pre of told me not to take anything even herbal for a week or 2 before ? Xx

    Alex 119

    Hi Katie, I’m having 400 cc unders from a B cup on Friday with Kazzazi 🙂 he said I will be a DD possibly an E. I will be adding pics throughout my recovery so feel free to add me xo


    I bought a C babe. No it’s best not to as apparently they can thin your blood, making bleeding more likely. My nurse said to start after the op Hun xx

    Fionajsd 131

    I had Mr kazzazi 2 weeks ago at doncaster . X

    Laura 27

    I have Mr Kazzazi on the 27th! Might see you there. 🙂
    Do you know what time you’re booked in for yet? X

    Katie 11

    Cool thanks I will get some for after then 🙂 aw thanks Alex I’ll add you now.. How was your experience Fiona ? Yeah might see you there Laura 🙂 no not yet I think I will get my admission time about 3 days before.. How long have you been waiting for? Xx

    Fionajsd 131

    My experience was good, fantastic team at the clinic , don’t let the exterior put u off , looks like a house from the outside but totally different inside. My only critism would be I was quite cold , take a zip through top to put on .
    Quality of care though u can’t go wrong and even though it was twilight sedation I don’t remember a thing! X

    Rebecca 46

    Hey babe I had dr kazzazi . I had 375 from large b cup 🙂 feel free to add me . What size do you want to end up with x

    Katie 11

    Aw good that’s what I am scared about because I was told I’m not totally under? I was wondering if I am actually asleep lol I’m a cold ass anyway so I best bring something warm 🙂 Rebecca I’m not even sure really I think I would like to be a d but not sure if it would suit me or anything it’s so hard to imagine isn’t it but anything will be better than what I have now haha it’s just the sizing of the sports bras to buy in advance I’m not sure which to buy.. Maybe buy a few different sizes xx

    Laura 27

    Only had my first consultation on 31st jan. Lol.
    Meeting Kazzazi tomorrow night so will finally know my sizing. =D x

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