not a happy bunny today Im drooping Started by: suzanna

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  • suzanna 2

    hi all so I had my BA on the 4th feb. I had 650 overs and was told I didn’t need to have a lift and the ps could achieve a good look without the lift that I thought I needed. he graded my ptosis as 1 mild.

    I have had 4 kids and there 16,14,8, and 11 months old and I breast fed them all and had saggy loose empty c cup.

    today my boobs are really dropping at a huge rate so much so that I am now concerned that I should have had a smaller implant and lift.

    I have pics if anyone wants to look, my asymmetry is awful too its even more pronounced. so sad today.

    sarah 15

    hi hun i had 550 partials on 15th jan and im the same i was told that if i had them that i wouldnt need an uplift as i to have children and was an enpty b-c b4 my op and now 3 half weeks after my op i feel like i have the same droopy boobs as b4 but only bigger 🙁 kinda dissapointed xx

    Fionajsd 131

    I have unders 600 cc and was told that age was my biggest enemy and that boobs droop as part of the ageing process. With yours being overs the will fluff at some point hun xx

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