Feb 13th- my experience! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    First off: Happy Valentine’s Day girls! Have a lovely time <3

    Secondly, I wanted to write a little post to help you girls yet to have surgery so you know what to expect and like me, have something to refer back to when in the waiting game! I appreciate it’s such a tough part of the process.

    When I arrived at Preston First Trust I was due for 12 midday, I arrived a little early but was taken straight to my room and asked to gown up and wear those gorgeous pants 😉
    After waiting for about 30 mins the first nurse came in to see me and do my medical, she checked my blood pressure etc and made sure I was comfortable. at this point I was pretty hungry as hadn’t eaten since 7pm the previous night!
    About an hour later the doctor came through to re go over my medical and checked my blood pressure once more. All was fine and then I was left for another hour! This was now about 3pm. I then had the anaesthetist come through to check my medical and to read my notes. He said it won’t be too long now and the nurse will be down to sort stockings out and other bits.
    Nurse came about 4 and I got those super sexy stockings on ready 😉 Mr Mounir came to draw on me about 4:15 and we went over my options.
    Originally I was supposed to have 400/375cc HP under the muscle, but because of my asymmetry he was concerned that under the muscle would pin my smaller boob to my chest and it wouldn’t drop at the rate we want it too like the other making the asymmetry more obvious! He suggested over the muscle and he was happy to do what I wanted but I took his advice and went over! He also said as we had already discussed that the 400cc may be too wide but he will try his best for me before dropping down to 375! I was also supposed to have two different sizes due to one being larger than the other.
    I was really happy when he left, he took photos and was so reassuring of me. Such a genuine lovely guy and my partner absolutely loves him too! I would recommend Mounir to anyone.
    My nerves seemed to drop away and by 5pm the nurse came back, checked me over and said right are we ready to go? My heart skipped a beat, kissed my man goodbye and off we went! So all In all a 5 hour wait for the operation which really wasn’t that bad at all.

    Once in the theatre, I undressed, had some bits and bobs attached to me and then the anaesthesist came through, the nurse put the canular in and he said oooo what are these tattoos? You may feel a bit woozy now…literally remember telling him and next thing I know I’m waking up in my room!!!
    You feel nothing and you know absolutely nothing. I did have a drip in my canular but I think it’s because I didn’t drink for hours! Felt nothing though.
    My partner told me that actually I had been coming around for best part of 30 msjnutes but I remember none of it! He said Dr Mounir actually spoke to me and told us everything went well. He could only use 375cc but in BOTH breasts as that is what looked the best and more even. Still HP!
    I don’t remember any of that half hour at all so how bizarre? When I felt ok, I didn’t feel sick or anything I had tea and toast from the nurse and my partner said surgery took 45 minutes! That is all. apparently Mounir said it was really easy surgery.

    By 8pm I was signed off allowed to go home where I was staying and honestly the two nurses who were looking after me were so amazing. They gave me all my post operative instructions, my meds and she gave me cocodamol to take before I left.

    The only thing that didn’t work out was my sports bras! They both didn’t fit :’) I went up one back size but it wasn’t rnough. So on the way back we stopped off at asda and picked up some post op bras to tide me over for the night! I’m now wearing one today and will take the others back and swap them when I get chance. The nurse said it’s very difficult to predict. I’m normally a 30 back so I thought 32 would be ok but I needed 34!!! Currently in a 34DD which seems to fit ok.

    Hope this puts you at ease a little girls. Aftercare at Preston was amazing, staff incredible and and Mounir is an absolute Saint. My boyfriend told him I love him and he laughed haha.

    You have nothing to worry about ladies, if your in today best of luck! I will hopefully get some pics ups soon.


    Lucy Anna 146

    What a lovely post 🙂
    I’m here now in the waiting room now!
    So glad you had a good experience and happy healing to you xx


    Thanks babe sorry it’s long! Didn’t realise how much I rambled haha. Good luck today you don’t need it! You’ll be just fine. Xxxx


    Glad you had a great experience Jess, can’t wait to see your results.
    Good luck lucy xx


    Thanks hun <3 we are all rooting for you Lucy!

    Sophie 123

    Thanks for this, really helps to ease the nerves when I read things like this. Hope you recover well hunny and happy valentines xx

    Sharks 149

    Am so glad it all went smoothly for you Jessica. Great detailed post. These after surgery posts are a tremendous help to pre-op girls, and I wish everyone would write one. Girls, the day goes by soo quickly and before you know it, you are back home with exquisite new boobies. I wish I could re-live my surgery day all over again, haha!! Happy healing hun. xxx


    Aww glad everything went well! I like these surgery day posts they put me at ease more haha! Happy healing! 🙂 xx

    opalfruits 12

    thanks jessica!! this was really nice to read hope your enjoying you new boobs xxxx


    Thanks girls, sorry it’s so long glad you enjoyed it though. And honestly you’ve got nothing to worry about, your in safe and capable hands here. Obviously sometimes some peoples journeys have hiccups as we’ve read before, but most of the time it goes to plan and you will enjoy it!

    Vanessa 56

    thank you so much for the post hun <3 makes me wish april would hurry up!
    I’m in preston with mr mounir and have asymmetry too!
    Happy healing! xxxx

    Nicole 4

    Aww glad everything went ok for you hun, reading this has calmed my nerves a bit, happy healing xxxx


    This gets me so excited!! Happy healing missy xxxxxxxx


    Thanks so much girls <3 Im ok deffo need my cocodamol though the soreness is so much less when I’ve had it! Haha. Vanessa I have some before and after pics up hun if you want to see them! 🙂 xxx

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