Seen a few girls work for MYA aswel as had the procedure Started by: Armani

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  • Armani 18

    I’ve got addicted to this website find it really cool advising other girls who haven’t yet had it done etc… I’m now interested in becoming a patient co ordinator so I can advise professionally! Anyone know any one who does? Do they enjoy it if so? X

    Tania 7

    My PC had hers done with MYA before she worked with them. I felt so comfortable with her because she could relate to the whole experience. She started the same size and she also got the same cc as me. She seems like she’s loving it.. she also models for MYA, her photos are everywhere in Fitzroy and on the website. Her names Rebecca Sweeney x

    Armani 18

    Really ah thanks babes I well wana get into it! How’s your boobs Hun? Got them done recently didn’t you? Xx


    Hey just seen this on their Instagram (attached) xx

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    Armani 18

    Ah thanks honey xx

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